by Pedro Ribeiro Simões

17 Signs That Signal You’re A Tourist

Rather than blending in with locals and experiencing life through a new lens, those travelers are treated as foreigners. Don't be a foreigner; don't wear this mess when traveling abroad
Famous Chelsea Hotel

16 Hotels With Scandalous Histories

Hotels with seedy clientele and haunted pasts are rampant across the globe. However, there are some star studded scandals at these hotels that will give you pause before booking your room
by Penny Higgins

15 Things Cruise Lines Won’t Tell You

Everyone has heard a horror story or two about traveling on a cruise ship. These incidents always seem to have something to do with weather or mechanical issues that were beyond the cruise lines control
Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires Is The Perfect Place To Have A Fling

Buenos Aires is arguably one of the most beautiful and romantic cities in the world. It is the perfect place for a single traveler to get lost in the romance of Argentina and have a fun and sexy fling.
Chinese Beach Fashion The Face-kini

Chinese Beach Fashion: The Face-Kini

When you think of a beach vacation, you probably envision long stretches of white sand, bright sun beating down on your skin and a lot of barely-there bikinis.
work in Europe

Jobs Abroad: Where and How to Get Them

Working abroad is a fantastic way to elongate your European vacation and truly experience local life. If you are lucky enough to land a job legally in Europe
travel alone

The Solo Traveler’s Ultimate Checklist

Traveling alone can be fun and rewarding if you know what you want to experience and plan accordingly. Many people think that traveling alone is depressing or boring.